30 Days of Biking: the 2nd Half

I’ve been riding my bike every day in April as part of the international #30daysofbiking challenge.

I’m also doing a personal #365photo challenge, mentioned previously, and so this month am trying to take my daily photo while I’m out riding my bike!

I finished the challenge by riding every single day, 30 out of 30 days, in the month of April.

I also ended up taking photos on 12 of the last 16 rides!

They’re presented below, with descriptive captions, and larger versions will hopefully soon be available on Flickr.

Smoky Hill River and clouds
The middle of the month continued the trend of April being more of a winter than spring month. It was so wet, slick and messy out that I rode my mountain bike, feeling safer with the bigger wheels and knobby tread.


Smoky Hill River dam
The wheels go round and round. Day 19 of #30daysofbiking.


hdr farm equipment
I’ve made it 20 for 20 as of 4/20.


Swedish watertower
30 days of clouds … I mean 30 days of biking continues. 22 days down, 8 to go!
blue Trek Madone 4.5
Freezing temperatures, snow, rain, sleet, gusty winds and more, nothing has stopped me from pursuing #30daysofbiking. Day 23 is on the books!


cool car
What a difference a day makes! 24th day of #30daysofbiking. First trip here in 40 days and also first 20+ mile ride in 40 days!


It’s the 25th day of #30daysofbiking, why not ride 25 miles? No reason not to, so I did. 30 actually. First time I’ve ridden that distance since November, so that was cool. Fast too; 20.5 mph for the entire ride. Took this picture about 10 seconds too early, but it’s my favorite, so there you go.


gray day
Day 26 of #30daysofbiking. A rainy day, good for hiding the tears.

Today’s ride and photo are dedicated to the memory of our nephew Jordan Parsons. He died 2 years ago from a motorcycle accident on the 4th of July. Today would have been his 25th birthday.


Lindsborg hosted a new celebration today, along with a long-running event.

For many years the Artists Studio Open house has been held in Lindsborg in April. Local artists open their studios to the public this one day a year, and it’s a fun event.

This year the town added Lindsborg in Bloom, a celebration both of spring as well as the flower power days of the 60s.

My 27th day of #30daysofbiking contribution is a photo of some local flowers, taken while out for my ride, and then processed using Topaz Simplify, which creates a painterly look.


Over hills and far away. Nice warm day for a ride today on the 28th day of #30daysofbiking. Went out to Kanopolis, rode across the dam and then around the roads surrounding the lake.



It was so windy on the 29th day of #30daysofbiking that these poor tulips could hardly hold themselves upright!


On the 30th day of #30daysofbiking, it was finally spring.

Met a retired mill worker from near Chicago, checking out the mill. He was sad that he will miss the mill being operated during MillFest in May.